[Reboot]Automatically start forever (node) on system restart > Linux/Tech

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[Reboot]Automatically start forever (node) on system restart

작성일 22-03-11 13:53

페이지 정보

작성자sbLAB 조회 4,800회 댓글 0건


[정상작동 안됨]

forever path => /usr/local/bin


1. Create a bash script file (change bob to desired user).

vi /home/bob/node_server_init.sh

2. Copy and paste this inside the file you've just created.


export NODE_ENV=production
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
forever start /node/server/path/server.js > /dev/null

Make sure to edit the paths above according to your config!

3. Make sure the bash script can be executed.

chmod 700 /home/bob/node_server_init.sh

4. Test the bash script.

sh /home/bob/node_server_init.sh

5. Replace "bob" with the runtime user for node.

crontab -u bob -e 

6. Copy and paste (change bob to desired user).

@reboot /bin/sh /home/bob/node_server_init.sh

Save the crontab.

service cron  restart 

service cron  status

7. You've made it to the end, your prize is a reboot 




@reboot = run at boot and reboot only

@yearly  = run at midnight Jan 1 each year (equiv to 0 0 1 1 *)

@annually  = run at midnight Jan 1 each year (equiv to 0 0 1 1 *)

@monthly  = run at midnight on the first day of each month (equiv to 0 0 1 * *)

@weekly  = run at midnight each Sunday (equiv to 0 0 * * 0)

@daily  = run at midnight each day (equiv to 0 0 * * *)

@ midnight  = run at midnight each day (equiv to 0 0 * * *)

@ hourly = run on the first second of every hour (equiv to 0 * * * *)


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